Jean Michel Collell

Jean Michel Collell

The artist

Portrait painter in metal trellis


JM Collell is a French contemporary artist specializing in the metal trellis portrait. Born in 1968 and residing in Montpellier, he made himself known by exhibiting his art in different art galleries in France and abroad as well as through many European and international fairs.


More than an art ... a passion!

From a very young age, JM Collell has tried various artistic techniques such as painting, drawing and sculpture. Self -taught and art lover has always been, it was not until 2017 that JM Collell is developing his own artistic work, working on metallic trellis.  His sensitivity to contemporary art allowed him to draw inspiration from the biggest names by pushing his curiosity in search of a new and unique art.


"The metal fence could be regarded as a work of art in itself"


His work: the hyperrealist portrait

Lots of patience are needed to cut each fence plate to shape the portraits. Thanks to its incredible sense of depth, JM Collell manages to cut the layers of metallic mesh by hand with a meticulous subtraction technique to create the portrait. His sculptures therefore include high density mesh areas next to the cut spaces which give them a great feeling of light.


The artist JM Collell demonstrates exceptional technical mastery and meticulous attention to details, seeking to create works that look like photographs. Each cutting of the metal mesh is meticulously calculated to recreate the subtle variations in light and shade, complex textures and delicate reflections. This extreme clarification creates a misleading illusion, transporting the spectator to another world, where the border between reality and art merges.

His work is a tribute to thoroughness, patience and constant research of perfection. It goes beyond the simple reproduction of the appearance of a portrait. He seeks to capture his essence, to transmit an emotion and to arouse reflection in the spectator.

Between real world and imaginary world

Inspired by the current world that surrounds him, he has created many works around cinema, fashion, animals ...

In recent years, he devoted himself more particularly to femininity by representing women and wanting to demonstrate their beauty and their strength
Through his work around women, he demonstrates the link between imaginary and real world. He works emblematic figures such as geishas recognized for their grace, their sophistication and their talents in the arts or the independence, the strength and the courage of the Amazons in Greek mythology. It highlights all these women who are a source of inspiration and fascination over the centuries.

These figures have the capacity to challenge gender standards and to embody powerful female ideals. They have shown that women can be strong, autonomous and influential, and have played a key role in emancipation and expression of femininity in their respective contexts.